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Invest towards an equitable, high quality education for all students.

PLAN C es una organización dirigida por padres que se basa principalmente en voluntarios. Los voluntarios consisten en padres, educadores, expertos en contenido y líderes comunitarios.


Nuestros miembros están guiados por experiencias vividas y motivados por la pasión. Reunimos a todas las partes interesadas, desde padres hasta funcionarios electos y todos los demás, para tener conversaciones centradas en los estudiantes y basadas en soluciones que beneficien a todos los estudiantes.

Sus contribuciones monetarias se invertirán en las experiencias educativas de todos los estudiantes mediante el patrocinio de sesiones de capacitación, eventos públicos, conferencias y talleres para el desarrollo de capacidades y el cambio de sistemas.

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Where is your money going?

At CPLAN, we are deeply committed to fostering educational equity and ensuring that every child has an opportunity to thrive. We believe that by empowering parents, families, and schools with knowledge and understanding, we can create a brighter future for our children. That's why we offer workshops designed to build on the parent's and family's understanding of educational equity.


Our workshops are a transformative experience that brings together parents, families, and schools in a collaborative environment. We believe that by working hand in hand, we can create a powerful synergy that uplifts the educational experience of our children. Through these workshops, we provide the tools, insights, and strategies necessary to promote inclusive learning environments where every child can flourish. 

But we cannot do this alone. We rely on the support of generous individuals like you who believe in the power of education and want to make a lasting impact on the lives of children. Your in-kind donation is not just an investment; it is a heartfelt contribution that will help us bring these vital workshops to even more families and schools.

What makes your contribution even more special is that it is tax deductible, which means that while you support our cause, you also receive the benefit of tax relief. It's a win-win situation that allows you to make a meaningful difference while also receiving a tangible benefit.

Thank you for your support!

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To Donate by Check:

Please address checks to Health Resources in Action, located at 2 Boylston St, 4th Floor, Boston, MA 02116

Image by Clay Banks
"CPLAN me ha dado la oportunidad de animar en los buenos momentos, gritar mi frustración cuando las cosas no funcionan, al tiempo que brinda un espacio para celebrar nuestras victorias"

Madre | Organizador de la comunidad

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