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About Us

Founded in 2016 by a group of passionate mothers, CPLAN (Collaborative Parent Leadership Action Network) emerged from a collective determination to stand up for our children's education. We realized that to create meaningful change, we needed to unite and collectively challenge the existing education system. After all, when many voices come together, they have a stronger impact.


Since then, CPLAN has grown into a statewide coalition of dedicated educational stakeholders, including parents, educators, administrators, and policymakers.

Our Belief

Our Belief

At CPLAN, we are driven by a shared belief that education is the key to unlocking a brighter future for all children. We believe that all public school students deserve equitable access to high quality school choices, regardless of income, zip code, race, or ethnicity. 


We understand the crucial role that parents, community members, and school staff play in creating a more equitable education system. Together, we can address the persistent educational inequities that hinder our children's potential.


CPLAN is a parent- led advocacy organization that seeks to inform, inspire, and empower parents to advocate for a more equitable education for their children.


Our vision is for all students to have access to a high quality education that prepares them for college, career, and life.


We strive to foster a supportive community where parents can access the resources, training, and support they need to become effective advocates and change agents within the education system.

Our Values

Our Values

Relationships are essential:

CPLAN facilitates authentic, powerful, and mutually-beneficial relationship-building between CPLAN parents and students and state and local education decision-makers. CPLAN members leverage those relationships to advance issues of importance to them, whether on education or some other community issue, while decision-makers benefit from direct access to engaged constituents who provide invaluable input and support for advancing high quality education.

Our Standards

Our Standards


Schools meet the academic needs of all students.

Schools meet the academic needs of all students.

Students are on a path for college and career readiness.

  • Including English Learners and Students with disabilities

  • Achieved through strong Teacher/Family relationships and a culturally responsive curriculum


Schools meet the non-academic needs of all students.

Schools meet the non-academic needs of all students.

  • Through Trauma-informed education and services, effective communication, community partners, and opportunities for social-emotional growth, students will be prepared to graduate

  • Culturally responsive in anticipating and meeting these needs


Culture of intentional family & community engagement

Schools maintain a culture of intentional family and community engagement.

  • There are active and functional School Site Parent Councils.

  • Family participation in implementing policy changes.

  • Community stakeholders to improve school programming.

  • Engagement with families and community partners.


Schools maintain a student-centered school climate.

Schools maintain a student-centered school climate.

  • School discipline is appropriate and focused on student needs.

  • There are measures in place to address chronic absenteeism.

  • School curricula meet the needs of the whole child, including arts and physical education.

  • Schools keep students and best outcomes for students at the center of family communication.

  • Schools maintain a culturally responsive school climate.

Social Media

Social Media

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