Vote YES on 3

CPLAN took part in the historic “Yes on 3” campaign in Boston by informing stakeholders and rallying voters to change the status- quo of having a Mayor-appointed School Committee since 1991.
Our voices were heard and the elected School Committee was reinstated in Boston, with a 79% yes vote, giving voice to the larger community about how schools are led and who leads them.
The Census is a safe and easy way to help your federal government determine how much money needs to be allocated to your community. This also let's the federal government know the resources (e.g., health care centers, schools, fire and police departments, etc) that are required to meet the needs of that community based on the number of people who live within it. It is quick, easy and safe. For more information click on the link below.
Supporting the Bill of Education
CPLAN members supporting Senator Chang-Diaz s223 an act to modernize the foundation review budget to ensure the needs of today’s most vulnerable learners are front and center. This bill focuses on securing additional funding to support English-language learners and students with special needs. The Senator’s bill focuses on what truly matters most which is the needs of our students.
During the Question 2 Ballot debate, CPLAN hosted a lively dialogue bringing together families from across sectors to ensure no matter what happens post the election that we would remain committed to working collaboratively to impact system change.
Opportunity Act
CPLAN members supported the Opportunity Act and had several members testify at the State House while also contacting their legislators to make sure that this bill was passed. Once the bill passed we then made advocated to modify the language to leave no room for discrimination for our low-income, ELL, and Special Education students as well as increasing the healthcare for educators.