Find out how you can get involved in CPLAN's priorities and help ensure equitable educational experiences for all students.
Action Required: Elected School Committee
Mayor Michelle Wu has indicted that she's not in favor of an elected School Committee, despite the fact that 80% of Bostonians made their voices heard in the 2022 election.
We need you and everyone in your network to send the message that this must be a priority for the Mayor and City Council.
Here's how:​
Use our Action Network campaign tool to send Mayor Wu an email that you want an elected Boston School Committee and that you expect her to sign these important petitions.
Call the mayor's office at 617-635-4500
It's quick and easy to leave your message with a staffer and go on record in support of democratic governance in Boston Public Schools.
Share this information with other parents and among your networks on social media, in- person, and at community events.
Will you speak up to make sure the Mayor and City Council know how important this change is to Bostonians like you?

Changes to SNAP Benefits
Due to recent action by the federal government, the extra COVID SNAP benefits are ending March 2, 2023 in Massachusetts. Starting in April, you will get only one monthly payment. That is your normal benefit. Get your normal amount on DTA Connect or listen to the information about your case by calling DTA at 877-382-2363.
Food Source Hotline
Assistance available in 180 Languages
Text or call
Even if you're already receiving SNAP benefits — find out how you can maximize your benefit amount by calling Project Bread's FoodSource Hotline.
If you have specific questions about your SNAP benefits and your case with DTA, you need to call DTA’s Assistance Line at (877) 382-2363 or visit DTAConnect.com.
Mental Wellness
Given all that is happening in the world, we understand how stressful it can be while managing work, home, and self-care. In the spirit of helping you cope with it all, we invite parents and community members to take advantage of our online resources and register for our 7 week Reshaping Community Wellness program.