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Explore our workshop list below, view upcoming events to secure your spot, or click the 'Book Us' button to bring our workshops to your community!

Infinite Campus & Beyond

Unlock the potential of Infinite Campus, the parent portal designed to empower Brockton families in tracking their child's grades, attendance and assignments.

Laptops will be available for use during the session.

For more information, click the register button!

Supporting Children in Education

This workshop invites parents, caregivers, family and community members to learn how to use their knowledge to support a child's educational journey.

For more information, click the register button!

Community Wellness

Reimagine community wellness by learning about mental health, how to identify warning signs in yourself, children, and community members to improve the wellbeing for all.

For more information, click the register button!

Unfair Differences in Education

Learn about how unfair differences in education impact students opportunities for future success.

For more information, click the register button!

  • Nov 14, 2023, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
    This workshop is a chance to learn about how some students face challenges that prevent them from doing and feeling well in school. We'll share the differences among student experiences to help us understand the problem. Together, we'll figure out ways to make things more fair to help all students s

Advocating for a Fair Education

This workshop is part 2 of Unfair Differences in Education which offers ideas on how we can advocate for a fair education to ensure our children have fulfilling educational experiences.

For more information, click the register button!

  • Nov 28, 2023, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
    A workshop offering ideas on how we can create and advocate for an equitable & inclusive school environment that promotes academic success, while maintaining social and emotional wellness.
Infinite Campus
Navigating Special Education: Q & A
Navigating Special Education: Q & A
Multiple Dates
Jan 23, 2024, 6:00 PM

Interested in bringing a workshop to your community or school district? Submit a request now!

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